How to Interview a Doula – Questions to ask before you hire a doula


Choosing a birth doula – a labor coach – to be with you during your baby’s birth is a very intimate and important decision.  For the most part, birth doulas have similar basic training and knowledge, although some are more experienced than others, and that may include the amount of births they’ve attended as well as the number of various trainings they’ve been to.

I’d say the most important thing for you to consider when hiring a birth doula is the synergy and energetic connection you feel toward them.  Whoever is with you during your birth is considered a part of your Birth Team and should earn the right to support you in that space.  The following list of questions will help you learn some of the facts about the doula you are interviewing, but be sure to check in with yourself about how you feel talking with them and being in their presence, because that will be the most important thing in feeling supported during your birth.  

Top Questions to Ask When Interviewing a Birth Doula:

  1. Why did you become a doula?

  2. What training did you receive?

  3. How many births have you attended?

  4. What is your birth doula style?

  5. What does your pricing include?

  6. What kind of education or resources do you provide?

  7. What other services do you offer in addition to birth doula?

  8. How can you support my spouse or partner during and after birth?

  9. Do you meet me after the birth to review the labor and answer questions?

  10. How many clients do you have around my due date? 

  11. Do you have a backup doula?

  12. When will you be on call for my birth?

  13. Do you have references I can contact?

You can add or subtract questions based on what’s important to you, but I find these are the most important and useful questions to ask when interviewing potential doulas.  Most doulas should offer a phone call and then an in person interview so you can get to email each other and talk over all of the above details.

Rivkah Leah - Birth Doula Phoenix, AZ - Birth Photographer Phoenix, AZ

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