Natural Birth Videos to Watch | Maricopa County Photographer

I was recently doing some research on good videos that are both informative and entertaining for both self education and to share with pregnant mamas in Arizona and I actually found way more than I expected!

When I had my first pregnancy, I only knew a little bit about birth, in general, and even less about homebirth and yet I knew I was very interested in home birth.

I was pointed to the Rikkie Lake documentary: “The Business of Being Born” and it opened up a whole world of questions and information that I wanted to learn about to both choose my birthing place, interview providers and midwives, and ultimately decide what kind of birth I wanted.

black and white photos of mother and midwife bringing a newborn baby boy out of the birth tub and into mom’s waiting arms.

I was pretty sure that I didn’t want any kind of medication during my births, as the idea of getting injected with strong drugs using a super long needle gives me the creep, plus I generally associate hospitals will illness and death and didn’t think I’d feel very positive or relaxed in that setting.

The more I learned and researched, the more I knew homebirth was the right option for me. At the same time, I also recognized that birthing at home isn’t an option for everyone, whether for medical reasons or by choice and yet I firmly believe that preparing and aiming for an unmedicated birth, is the best options for most women who want to have positive and involved births.

black and white image of newborn baby doing the crawl up mom’s stomach to her nipple

To start you off, if you aren’t sure what kind of birth you want, or you want to learn more about your birth options, any of the following documentaries would be a great place to start! Let me know in the comments if you’ve ever seen any of them and what you thought!

1. The Business of Being Born – with Ricki Lake

2. Pregnant in America

3. Why Not Home

4. Woman to Woman

5. Freedom for Birth

6. Laboring Under an Illusion

7. Miriam-Home Delivery (Miriam was my midwife for my oldest two kids!)

8. Birth Story

9. It’s My Body, My Baby, My Birth

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