Modern Milk Scottsdale: Your Parenthood Support Oasis

family of three sitting on a blanket at a green park in downtown Phoenix

Modern Milk Scottsdale has a well known reputation as a haven for expecting moms, providing classes and services in Scottsdale, AZ and online, to support you throughout your motherhood journey. Founded by Stephanie Nguyen, a passionate advocate for women’s health and breastfeeding, this is where modern parents find their footing.  As an expecting mother, finding a wellness center that is inviting and warm can make a huge difference in feeling empowered throughout your motherhood journey.  In this blog post, I’m going to share more about the amazing opportunities offered at Modern Milk Scottsdale so you can check it out during your pregnancy!


About Modern Milk Scottsdale

Modern Milk Scottsdale is a place that embodies a remarkable blend of passion, dedication, and unity. Founded by Stephanie Nguyen, a Registered Nurse, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, the center boasts a leader who has spent her career caring for women in all stages of life. With a background in high-risk antepartum and OB/GYN care, Stephanie’s passion for helping mothers learn to breastfeed is the driving force behind Modern Milk.  The name “Modern Milk” encapsulates their mission – ensuring both mom and baby thrive in this modern world.  

1 year old girl toddling in the grass with her stuffed sloth animal

Amazing Services and Classes They Offer

Besides for being a hub of community building and support, an extensive range of classes and services are offered for every stage of the parenting journey: 

  • Before Baby Classes: Modern Milk’s comprehensive prenatal classes prepare expectant parents for their baby’s arrival. Covering topics such as pregnancy, birth, and baby care, these classes ensure that parents enter the journey with confidence and knowledge.
  • After Baby Classes: From newborn to toddlerhood and everything in between, Modern Milk has a class for each new phase. The Happy Mom School, Breastfeeding Support Group, Baby Sleep, Tummy Time, and Baby-Led Feeding classes provide essential guidance for parents, offering a support system as they navigate parenthood’s challenges.
  • Yoga & Fitness Classes: Prenatal and postnatal certified instructors guide parents through fitness and yoga classes, ensuring safety and catering to individual needs. Classes like Toddler and Me Yoga, Mama Fit, Mama Yoga, Mama Core, and Baby & Me Yoga provide the perfect opportunity to connect with one’s body.
  • Comprehensive Lactation Support: Modern Milk Scottsdale understands the unique challenges of breastfeeding. They offer in-office, in-home, and remote lactation counseling by their trained professionals to assist new moms in their breastfeeding journey, making it a valuable resource for those in need.

mom and dad hugging and kissing their one year old while standing in a green park in Downtown Phoenix

Special Events and Services

Beyond classes, Modern Milk Scottsdale plays host to special events that bring parents together. This fall, they have their Annual Halloween Party to bring families together in a fun filled social way, where babies, kids and parents can all have a great time!  It’s not just about learning; it’s about connecting and sharing the journey. They’ve coined a term for it – Namomste. It mirrors “Namaste,” but with a mom twist, capturing the unity and strength that comes with motherhood.  The Namomste movement is a testament to their dedication to creating a space where everyone feels at home.

family of three walking around near murals and parks and unique architecture in downtown Phoenix

Why Modern Milk Scottsdale Stands Out

In a nutshell, Modern Milk Scottsdale is more than a center – it’s your tribe. Stephanie and her team get it. They understand that parenting can be a whirlwind, and they’re here to make it smoother. So, why Modern Milk? Because here, you’re not alone. It’s where you’ll find the education, support, and community you need to make the parenthood journey truly amazing.

I love capturing the tender moments when you are home with your newborn baby and want every detail to be memorialized for a lifetime.  As a Phoenix newborn photographer, I offer in home lifestyle newborn photography so you can feel calm, relaxed and at ease, while I document this most important transition after the birth of your new baby.  Be sure to contact me so we can start planning your newborn photo session!

Looking for more resources as a new mom? Check out my recent posts below:

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